Colorado Parent Directory

Humanex Academy


2700 South Zuni Street
Englewood, CO 80110


Imagine the Amazing at Humanex Academy
The mission of Humanex Academy is to support 6-12 grade neurodiverse students looking for a safe and supportive community where they can celebrate their strengths and uniqueness, while stepping away from a deficit focused approach. What all our students have in common is the need for a place to be around peers that are like themselves. This allows for both academic and social interactions where it is safe to make mistakes and where conflict, disagreement, and resolution are possible with embedded adult coaching. At Humanex, we focus on students’ strengths, the need to maintain momentum in areas of success, and the importance of maintaining a safe space for them to approach areas of challenge.

Our academic environment tends to be a quiet one. Our students most broadly can be defined as Internalizers, where they feel things profoundly and their response to frustration or overwhelm tends to be held inside, rather than expressed through external behavior responses.

Our Student Population
Students come to us with diagnoses such as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), Anxiety, and a wide range of learning disabilities including executive functioning challenges. Additionally, many of our students are identified as Twice Exceptional (2E), where they present with areas of great strength and co-occurring areas of weakness, which can make it challenging to consistently tap into those strength areas.

Humanex Students meet the following academic, social, and behavioral criteria:
● A desire to engage and participate in the Humanex Academy community.
● Benefit from a school program that focuses equally on academic and social growth.
● Ability to positively interact with peers and adults within the building.
● Ability to take redirection and support from staff as needed.

Curriculum & Accreditation
Our curriculum focuses on a Universal Design approach, in order to ensure that content is accessible to all learners and is aligned with Colorado State Standards. The courses offered at Humanex are designed for individual educational excellence for every student and are self-paced to ensure that students are being assessed on content understanding. Although Humanex enrolls students from 6-12 grade, the skill levels of our students vary and, because of our small class sizes, teachers are able to meet each student’s academic level across content areas. Our unique approach to curriculum and instruction allows for all students to be challenged appropriately and show growth.

Humanex Academy is a fully accredited educational institution through Cognia (formerly AdvancED), and is a part of the North Central Association of Colleges & Schools. Every five years Humanex undergoes a rigorous review of our curriculum program and practices to receive a determination of accreditation as well as professional guidance and accountability for continuous growth.